Eva Mendes was born on 5th March, 1974 in Florida, United States of America and began her acting career in 1998.
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Eva Mendes was born on 5th March, 1974 in Florida, United States of America and began her acting career in 1998.
Goldie Jeanne Hawn was born on 21st November, 1945 in Washington D.C, United States of America.
Helena Bonham Carter was born in London and started her career in 1983.
Glenn Close was born on 17th March, 1947 in Connecticut and started her career in 1975.
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Keri Lynn Russell was born on 23rd March, 1976 in California, United States of America and started her career in 1991.
Whoopi Goldberg was born as Caryn Elaine Johnson on 13th November, 1955 in New York City.
Kathleen Denise Quinlan was born on 19th November, 1954 in California State and started her acting career in 1973.
Jennifer Jason Leigh was born in 5th February, 1962 in California, USA and started her acting career in 1973.