US-Born actor, christened Sylvester Enzio Stallone, was born in New York City. His mother suffered a difficult birth with Sylvester, resulting in the use of dual forceps to assist in his delivery.
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US-Born actor, christened Sylvester Enzio Stallone, was born in New York City. His mother suffered a difficult birth with Sylvester, resulting in the use of dual forceps to assist in his delivery.
Steven John Carell on 16th August, 1962 in Concord, Massachusetts (US), he dropped the first name when he took up acting and is known to the world as simply Steve Carrel.
Shia Saide LaBeouf was born on 11th June, 1986 in Los Angeles, California.
Seth Rogen was born on 15th April, 1982 in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).
Robert John Downey, Jr. was born on 4th April, 1965 in Manhattan, NY, NY (USA) to actor, producer, Robert Downey, Sr. and wife Elsie Nee Ford.
Born Pierce Brendan Brosnan on 16th May, 1953 in Ireland, Brosnan became a US citizen in 2004.
Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom was born on 13th January, 1977 in Canterbury, Kent (UK).
Michael John Myers was born on 25th May, 1963 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
Mel Colmcille Gerard Gibson, it is a small wonder he shortened it to “Mel” when he took up acting. He was born 3rd January,1956.
Matthew Paige Damon was born on 8th October, 1970 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.