The Best Digital Marketing Tactics of 2016

The Best Digital Marketing Tactics of 2016 The digital marketing industry is a complex yet very volatile industry. With each passing year, changing hardware, software, devices and user preferences make this industry equal parts delicate and exciting. The industry presents a unique opportunity for anybody to make the most out of, and like we have […]

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Facts and Insights into Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing executives are spending more and more time on their social media accounts. Whether you own a large corporate or are running a small booming startup, the information age we live in today demands that you spend a lot of time in social media if you are to give your business the online exposure it […]

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The Social Media Marketing Cheat Sheet

The unique opportunities presented by social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But for those who are new to the concept of social media marketing, choosing the best platform – the platform that will work out best for you and your business– can prove a little tricky. While it may be considerably time […]

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6 Tricks to Help You Execute a Clever Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) is a form of marketing that relies on brand advertisements made exclusively on social media platforms and geared towards building brand recognition and generating sales returns. When implemented correctly, Social Media Marketing makes clever use of modern tools such as video and content sharing to generate a keen following for a […]

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Social Media Marketing 101

Social Media Marketing works for everyone – whether you are a startup techpreneur with a unique set of brands or an established corporate with a network of offices in geographically dispersed locations. And while the concept is basically the same from the ground up, tailoring your approach for each individual case scenario is highly recommended.

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Emerging Digital Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2016

  Failing to plan is planning to fail. This adage is as true in today’s digital age as it was ever. As each year kicks off, there is always a flurry of information on digital marketing trends, filled with immense predictions for the year ahead and the latest marketing trends.

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5 Steps to an Improved Digital Marketing Strategy in 2016

5 Steps to an Improved Digital Marketing Strategy in 2016. Studies have shown that 37% of business-to-consumer (B2C) businesses rely on documented digital marketing strategies, and that number on a steady rise. Again, 61 % of all business marketing executives say they meet their digital marketing teams at least once a week, to execute their […]

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Discover the Basics of Digital Marketing

Discover the Basics of Digital Marketing. Today’s dynamic world of technology is a fast-paced industry and only those who can keep pace are able to take full advantage of the digital age.

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Steps to start full-time career in freelancing

A decade ago, freelancing was considered as the part-time job or a hobby to earn some extra amount of money. With the passage of time, people have found it a great way to start as full-time job. People having entrepreneurial skills identified that they can generate three times more money with freelancing rather than day […]

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Choose a right content management system

Any easier task can become highly difficult with the selection of wrong tools for it. It also happens when someone chooses a bad or wrong content management system. Therefore, it is quite necessary to select the best CMS. The sites can be maintained by keeping updates only through this system. The selection of CMS is […]

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