For Beginners: How to Make Money Writing On-line!

For Beginners: How to Make Money Writing On-line! You’re looking for a way to break into a work-at-home job that can at least help out with your soaring debts. You may be a professional writer out of work, or without enough local work. You may be, on the other hand, a brand new writer who […]

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Boosting Profits By Using Effective Business Communication

If you own or manage a business then you may think the most important thing you do is manufacture your product or provide your service. For the most part, you are correct. There is no arguing that. Still, your business requires more. What you make or do is part of but not the whole picture. […]

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Writing to Make Money

Many people are nowadays looking for writing jobs to make money. It is true that most of the people nowadays are crazy about earning money through any possible means. Because of this obsession to earn as much as you can, most of the people work online part-time as well as full time. So, if you […]

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Writer’s Block

Writer’s block causes a writer to stop writing due to some known or unknown reasons. It might be the result of some interpersonal difficulty that disturbs the writer. However, it can also be the result of boredom or some other issue that makes the writer unable to write. The duration of writer’s block can go […]

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Tutorial Writing

You might be well aware of the term tutorial writing if you are a student. The purpose of tutorial writing is basically to teach students. It is true that there are variations in writing forms depending upon the area of academics. Well, the general layout of the tutorial writing is similar. It contains helpful tips […]

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Thesis Writing

Thesis is an academic document that is concerned with research. The academic degrees associated with research have thesis as a basic requirement. Without qualifying a thesis, the degrees cannot be awarded to a student. Hence, thesis writing represents an important formal writing piece. Therefore, it cannot be taken lightly and must be written with lot […]

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Short Story Writing

Short story writing can be thought of as a writing piece that narrates a story of few characters. It is meant to explain a certain point of view in a limited space. As the name indicates, the short story piece is really short piece that is more mood-oriented than focused on the plot. It is […]

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Sales Copy Writing

Sales copy writing is a piece of writing which involves writing in order to advertise something. The freelance copywriters create promotional stuff in order to help a firm in getting their products sold. Copy writing is basically a form of writing in which the people are made aware of certain new products or services. The […]

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PR Writing

PR writing or press release writing is a piece of paper devoted to giving out news. The news that are sent through PR paper can be announcements or any updates. When people have to share some important information to people, writing a press release paper is a good option. It consists of various tools and […]

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