Seasonal Festivals of January

Festivals these days are so often celebrated around the world now that that most of them are no more considered to be confined to a particular geographical location or community.

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Seasonal Festivals of February

There is countless number of festivals that get a chance to be celebrated in February. Festivals are a source of entertainment for people all around the world.

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Seasonal Festivals of December

Festivals are celebrated throughout the world with great enthusiasm. They are a source of entertainment and fun for billions of people around the world.

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Seasonal Festivals of August

There are thousands of festivals celebrated each year throughout the world. They are a source of entertainment and fun for people all around the world.

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Seasonal Festivals of April

The festivals are commemorated around the world for various reasons. Some have religious basis while other savor the particular culture of a certain community.

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Winterlude Festival, Canada

Winterlude is the Canadian way of honoring the cold winter season. This family event is held in Ottawa, Ontario, Gatineau and Quebec, Canada annually on three consecutive weekends.

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