April is a month of festivities all around the world, indisputably. Many of these festivals are coincidentally global festivals.
April is a month of festivities all around the world, indisputably. Many of these festivals are coincidentally global festivals.
In this article you read about the top five musical festivals of Europe.
Music is a universal language understood and appreciated throughout the world.
The continent of Asia is the home to many ancient civilizations. If the westerners were attracted to Asia because of its treasures, its rich music and diverse culture simply mesmerized them.
Africa was once known as the Dark Continent but if you look closely, you will find that the continent is very much alive and colorful with vibrant festivals and diverse culture.
Film festivals are held throughout the year in different countries featuring the productions of directors from the four corners of the world.
Cinema is a powerful medium in Asia as well. Different countries hold film festivals in Asia which bring together filmmakers from all over the globe.
Europe has always been the center of music and arts. Performing arts are held in high esteem and various European nations hold festivals to commemorate and honor the efforts of those involved in the process of film making.
While North America produces the most films, South America lags behind. South is now taking steps for the development and expansion of its cinema and one of these steps is the holding of film festivals.
The medium of film is quite popular in Africa; this can be judged by the various film festivals held in Africa throughout the year.