The continent of Europe is full of interesting sights and sounds. You can have everything you want in Europe, not to name means of entertainment. In entertainment, the festivals come at the first that have a big role to play there.
Let us talk about some of the most interesting and famous European festivals.
Throwing Festivals

Let me tell you about some of the festivals that involve throwing objects at people. Don’t get scared; the objects are simple eatables like oranges and tomatoes. I am talking about two separate festivals here.
One is Spanish festival La Tomatina that involves throwing loads of tomatoes on the participants. Well, another festival is related to throwing oranges to people. It is commemorated in Italy and the event is named Battle of Oranges.
Racing Events

Europe is not short of extreme sport events that include animals in the festivals. One such event is Running of Bulls, a Spanish festival that gets thousands of visitors annually. It is extremely exciting as well as risky event too.
The people run while they are chased away by roaring bulls. Well, another such event is Italian festival Palio that includes horses in the race. The horse riders come along with their horses and take lead in the event
Seasonal Festivals in Thailand and Burma

As the new season arrives, the people living in various regions of Asia organize various interesting seasonal festivals. One of the most famous seasonal festivals is Songkran Water Fight festival that is rejoiced in Thailand.
Here, the people throw water party and welcome the arrival of New Year. Another festival to welcome the arrival of New Year is Thingyan. It is celebrated in Burma and consists of a water fight that continues for a period of four days.
Seasonal Festivals in China

Similarly, another seasonal festival is Ice and Snow festival that is commemorated in China. It is rejoiced when snow comes in a part of China converting the town into an Iceland.
The Chinese are not only content with celebration of an ice festival, but they also rejoice Mid-Autumn Festival. It is celebrated at the arrival of autumn season with music and dance. Also, tasty delights are prepared to cherish the autumn season.
Few Other Seasonal Festivals

The list of seasonal festivals of Asia does not end here. There are some other seasonal festivals of interest for Asians too. For instance, A Full Moon Party is thrown in Thailand where around 30,000 people gather to commemorate the event.
Boryeong Festival in Korea, Festival of Ages in Japan and few others Asian festivals are also of great interest to thousands of people. Do enjoy yourself of these exciting festivals to get a refreshing taste of the new season.