Released in early 1980’s, Sona Chandi is a hilarious drama serial produced by PTV. It is written by the legendary Pakistani drama writer Munno Bhai and directed by Rashid Dar.
Released in early 1980’s, Sona Chandi is a hilarious drama serial produced by PTV. It is written by the legendary Pakistani drama writer Munno Bhai and directed by Rashid Dar.
His name was mostly associated with column writing but Muneer Ahmed Qureshi or ‘Munnu Bhai’, as he is better known, put on paper a few of the most remembered and revered drama serials in Pakistani television history. He has been one of the most outstanding and consistent writers in Pakistan. He was born on 6th February, 1933 in Wazirabad, Punjab. He finished his schooling from the Government College Attock. Initially he worked as a translator for an Urdu newspaper but eventually developed into a playwright and dramatist with exceptional capacity and skills. He devoted most of his pen and ink to PTV.